Accra-based PW Mining will move up to 75 million tonnes of ore and waste a year at the Bibiani gold mine in Ghana after being awarded a long-term mining contract by Asante Gold Corporation. Canada’s Asante paid US$90 million last August to buy Bibiani from ASX-listed Resolute Mining.
Openpit mining is due to start next month, including development of satellite pits, to provide feed to the three million tonne per annum Bibiani plant from the June quarter. First gold is expected to be poured in Q3 this year. Asante said a four-stage main pit cutback program would take its ultimate depth past 350m.
“PW Mining will mobilise up to 125 units of heavy equipment, including drills, excavators, haulage trucks, bulldozers, and ancillary equipment. Site establishment includes construction of a heavy equipment maintenance facility, offices, and a training centre,” Asante said.
“Asante and PW Mining are committed to employ more than 70% of the mine workers from the immediate community.”
PW Mining, formed in 1974 and active in Ghana since 1994, says it has about 1500 employees working in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Mali and Burkina Faso. Asante said the contractor would employ more than 850 people at Bibiani.
The project has a current measured and indicated resource of 20.1 million tonnes grading 2.71 grams per tonne for 1.81 million ounces of gold, plus an inferred 8.41Mt at 2.78gpt for 0.75Moz.